

**Cast List**

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•  Seussical Photo Info: We will be taking cast photos on Monday, April 29th at our dress rehearsal. If you are interested in ordering individual photos or a cast photo, you can place you order online with our photographer Dave Dessler OR you can print out the order envelope.

For a PDF of the order envelope, please click on the following link: Photo Order Form

For online ordering please click on the following link: http://in-his-image-photography.hhimagehost.com/SeussicalIndividualCastPhotos19

•  Seussical Costume Info: We will be mostly renting our costumes for Seussical. Please read the brochure for the costume fee, due date, and other info related to costuming. Additionally there is some info in the brochure regarding makeup, which will be something that each student will be wearing during our production to replicate the Who Citizens and the Jungle Creatures.

For details regarding costumes please click on the the flier: Costume Brochure

For details regarding the shoes needed for Seussical, please click on the flier: Shoe Flier

•  Seussical Program Ad Info: Our fundraiser for the musical is the selling of advertising space in the Seussical Program. Each student is required to sell 1 ad for the program but encouraged to sell 2 ads if possible. Please read the brochure for the instructions for selling your ad and the due date for the money/artwork. We recommend selling to a business that you frequent, a business that belongs to a friend/family member, or to purchase a “shout out” ad to leave a message for your student. Our program is seen by approximately 800-1,000 people each performance. For details please click on the following link for the flier: Program Ad Brochure and Extra Ad Slips